Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Arklow, Ireland

   Well, we did finally leave Holyhead, Wales... and the very next morning the bracket I waited more than a month for to be properly built and work with the engine(s) [PLURAL] I had to buy in order to get it to fit...broke in two sending the new engine prostrate vertical.   "Many are the afflictions of the Righteous, but the Lord delivers us out of them all"!!!
     I have come to terms with the fact that my supposed friends were not my friends, and their doubt and unbelief showed through stronger by the day, as well as I have come to terms with the fact that I have been sabotaged from day one by people I trusted as well.... That said, Jesus is still Lord, they will get theirs... and I get to live an adventure of a lifetime in Jesus Name, no matter what they have said, done, or tried to do.... 
Now, on with the show.....
    I got to Arklow, Ireland called the Marina and asked if they could tow me in from the river mouth, as I did not know what the conditions were, but I did know if they were anything like Conwy, then I needed help...
     Got in, the marina owner met me and has let me stay here free of charge while the new bracket is being built.  the man who kept me waiting and who kept telling me to plan and prepare, all the while doing a shoddy job himself, did pay for the new bracket to be built, but that didn't change the fact that he cost me thousands of dollars sitting there in the marina waiting for his shoddy job in the first place, not to mention kept me from moving forward....


the new bracket is on, the engine is still running like a champ, and I am waiting for a few final touches before I am back on the journey again....
Thank you for all your support, hope to be back to St. Thomas and at work soon, and hope my jobs are still there.  In the mean time, I could really use some support.  All my bills this month are paid except my AMEX bill which I still need $1360.00 for.  and next months bills I will certainly need some help on as well.... so please visit me and donate at:

I literally have now 120 British Pounds left to my name and $70 USD I was supposed to use for a bill when I got back to St. Thomas, and I have about 4500 miles still to go:-)  I do have food, water, and gas, so it is not totally a bust:-)  I could really use your help though and look forward to hearing your testimonies and comments as well.  thank you so much:-) 
Love you all always, no matter what...Even those who caused me such grief during my time away...  what they don't know is that they helped me fulfill visions I had in my heart without me even trying.... TRULY, ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD, AND WHO ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE!!!

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