Monday, November 23, 2015

La Palma Canary Islands... we are here!

We left Muxia on November 9, at about 18:00 and set sail for Tenerife.  We were out three days and our steering cable broke.  then I spent the next three days adrift at sea (which is surprisingly like camping in the middle of the woods, only no hiking...)  and finally got it working after an email was sent to me from the designers son Jon Lack via my boat broker Carl and within an hour I was fixed and under way...  it broke again three days after that,  but this time I knew exactly what to do and once I replace the cable with new cable and clamps "WE WILL BE GOOD TO GO"...  The new cable I had had become compromised due to all the different ways I was trying to hook up the steering which by the way was never  put on properly, and unbelievably no one who sold me the boat decided to tell me that little secret even though they knew what I was trying to accomplish.. ( I FORGIVE THE CROOKS I RAN INTO IN THE U.K. LORD, and ask you to deal severely with them for your servant Christopher's sake)...  (And we bless all the good people we met in the U.K. as well who genuinely loved us and seriously tried their best to help us....)
Well, we are here in the Canaries, hope to leave soon but need to pay for the Marina, repairs/(supplies for the repairs), gas and food, and get going....  from here we are about three weeks out as long as we don't have to go adrift again:-)  It was a great experience though and it taught me once again if you have a problem, don't go to others...  go to the source....Go to the designer....if he isn't available go to his son..... "If you have seen me, said Jesus (the son) then you have seen the Father....  This is a trustworthy and true saying... I am hopeful it helps you like it has me...
Also check out 2 Corinthians chapter 11....Paul the apostle faced many problems at sea... which make my troubles seem insignificant...
All the best.  I love you all and ask you to check out the GO FUND ME PAGE and contribute, and check out the You Tube page and see updated videos of the journey... (GIVE me some time on this as wifi here is very slow...

All the best, and enjoy the pictures below:

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