Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Work this because your Worth this... Remember the Purpose.

We have a new day for leaving, if all goes well it will be one week from Today.  The engineer is coming tomorrow to help me sort out my engine troubles and I got the bow thruster working on my own today. YAY...  I am happy to be in Wales, but am very grateful to be heading out toward the US Virgin Islands.  After all, that is where I am supposed to be:) and the semester starts September 3, 2015... so Mr. needs to move it on up...  Hope to hear from you soon.  Also I am always cognizant of doing things for others who cannot do for themselves.  Yes, I am asking people to donate on go Fund me for this trip, and I am worthy of your support because at the end of the day we are doing what we do for those who cannot do for themselves.  But, let us not forget those who could do for themselves, served our Great nation, God and world, and through the high cost of war and conflict lost their lives and limb.  Lets remember those who labored for our freedom.  I am asking you to go to my fundraising page for the Semper Fi Fund and donate to the women and men who have put themselves in harms way for yours and my freedom. Thanks!!!
check out

also see my fund raising page:


1 comment:

  1. Engineer hasn't come today. Hope he comes tomorrow ... Willie my buddy comes Monday ... Still hope to leave on Wednesday...
